
My name is Rhiannon Conley. I’m a lady and I live in North Dakota with my child, my person, and my dogs. For money I teach reading and writing at a public university as a contract instructor, and for pleasure I do other things, but many of them are adjacent to reading and writing.

I’ve been a reader and writer since childhood. My parents encouraged these pursuits by always providing me with trips to the library, books for birthday presents, and way too much time online where I honed my craft role playing in Sailor Moon chat rooms.

My creative writing practice waned as I clawed my way through college, but I found my love of poetry again at the tail end of my 20’s in graduate school. I have been writing seriously and regularly since that time, in spite of work and etc. and children, and am happy to call my life a writer’s.

Besides reading and writing, I love music, making arts and/or crafts, cooking, lilacs, lavender, breakfast, animals (all), pop culture, and thrifting. I am also a burgeoning gardener and I would love to hear your best tips for growing in climate zone 7.